What Will Olympic Peninsula Forests Look Like in 100 Years? John Pitcher helps us see.

“Climate Impacts on Olympic Peninsula Forests” vividly portrays the ongoing effects of climate change on our beautiful native plants and animals, through the interpretation of award winning fine artist of John C. Pitcher. John Pitcher can be reached at: goldleafart@myfairpoint.net

May 17, 2010 – Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula contains several distinct ecosystems and supports biodiversity of species that are found nowhere else on the planet. Current scientific data suggests that forests in the Olympic Peninsula will experience a number of climate-related changes, including snowpack decline, increased tree establishment in meadows, threats to native species, and increased wildfire activity.

Good Nature Publishing is proud to present the first edition poster of “Climate Impacts on Olympic Peninsula Forests.” Varying from the usual drastic-impact portrayals depicting piles of trash and helpless animals choking on cigarette butts, Pitcher relays an artist’s impression of climate impacts based on best science available.

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