The Soil Association’s Emma Heesom talks to the Ecologist about what this year’s Organic September campaign is all about and how everyone can make a small change and a big difference… There are lots of different reasons why people choose to buy Organic produce – from reduced chemicals and pesticides to concerns about animal welfare – but there are also lots of reasons and misconceptions that stop people from buying organic too. It is for this reason that this year’s annual month-long focus on organic is a little bit of a break. The Small Changes, Big Difference campaign is asking people to make a small change to their shopping habits by switching one household item to organic, to create a big difference to our planet. For example, if just 12 families with an average bread consumption made the small change to swap their bread to organic, an area of land quarter of the size of the Wembley Stadium football pitch would become a pesticide-free haven for wildlife. What this campaign shows is how a small change will also make a big difference to the lives of farm animals. No other system of farming has higher animal welfare standards. Organic is free-range and encourages the animals’ natural behavior.