“Get to Know” contest for youth has extended its deadline until December 17th, 2010. There is also a new $500 cash prize for the young nature artist whose work is chosen for the cover of the 2012 Get to Know Calendar. Contest organizers are inviting all American youth age 5-18 to take advantage of these changes by getting outdoors and “getting to know” the amazing wild neighbors who share their ecosystems through art, writing, photography and video.
Biodiversity-themed art, writing and photography entries based on first-hand experiences with nature online at www.gettoknow.ca until December 17th, which brings the contest closing right into the festive season. All youth between the ages of 5 and 18 living in the United States are eligible to enter in these categories. Youth from all over the world are invited to help ring in the New Year – 2011 International Year of Forests – by creating short videos themed “This is my Forest” for the Get to Know Contest. The unique international video category will accept entries at www.gettoknow.ca until May 2011.
Get to Know Contest winners will get exciting prizes, including a week-long Art & Nature Camp experience at a Canadian national park for those 12 and older, and a $500 cash prize for the young artist whose work is chosen for the cover of the 2012 Get to Know Contest Calendar. Additionally, winning art and writing entries will be published in the 2012 Get to Know Contest Calendar, and winning videos will be showcased at United Nations International Year of Forests events.