How to avoid being eaten by lions

Being eaten by lions is probably something we’d all like to avoid. Deadly 60 presenter Steve Backshall shares his top tips to help us steer clear of the killer jaws of big cats.
1. Stay in the car. “Lions don’t see a car as prey, so you’re safer inside’, our director Giles insists, if you’re in a vehicle, stay in it.
2. If you go tracking on foot be extra vigilant.
3. Always travel with a local guide. (Our team had two local guides with them at all times.)
4. Carry a big stick and a firearm. (But use them as a deterrent, never intending to inflict harm on the animal. A hurt lion is a very angry lion.)
5. Keep your eyes open: You’d be amazed how close a 500lb lion can get without you noticing.
6. Always have a ‘spotter’. Just because you’re filming one lion, doesn’t mean there isn’t another behind you.

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