House votes to delay air pollution rules on boilers

The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday to delay Environmental Protection Agency limits on pollutants from industrial boilers, its latest move to hinder air rules designed to protect public health.

The vote was 275 to 142 for the legislation. All Republicans present voted for the bill as did 41 Democrats. Republicans have a majority in the House.

“We’re not saying, ‘Let’s walk away and not protect the American people,’” said Representative Ed Whitfield, a Republican from Kentucky. “We’re simply saying, ‘Let’s hold back for just a moment, let’s go back and revisit this rule.’”

House Republicans and the business community have launched a campaign to delay the EPA’s raft of air pollution rules on everything from mercury to greenhouse gases, saying they destroy jobs and add costs to companies struggling to recover.

The extent to which Republican voters support the delay of EPA air pollution rules, however, may be faltering. A survey released on Wednesday by Democratic and Republican pollsters suggested the majority of Republican voters do not want the EPA rules stopped or delayed.

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