Heat Wave leading to High Ozone levels in Southern New England – watch that workout intensity

The US Environmental Protection Agency has issued an Air Quality Advisory for the southern portions of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and the south coast of Massachusetts, including Cape Cod and the Islands, on Tuesday due to ground-level ozone.
“As this hazy, hot and humid weather continues, we predict air quality to reach unhealthy levels in parts of New England,” said Curt Spalding, Administrator of EPA’s New England office. “Everybody can help reduce ozone by driving less, using public transportation and setting air conditioner thermostats a few degrees higher.”

Exposure to elevated ozone levels can cause breathing problems, aggravate asthma and other pre-existing lung diseases, and make people more susceptible to respiratory infection. When ozone levels are elevated, people should refrain from strenuous outdoor activity, especially sensitive populations such as children and adults with respiratory problems.