Eco360 Trust, and The T Shirt as a Green Gift that Keeps on Giving

Goodbye cheap cotton T shirt. Hello ethical clothing!

Cotton T shirts made in sweatshops that use up scarce fresh water are not wearing well for many companies anymore. Brands with sustainable business practices are increasingly looking to make their promotional items reflect their green values. The result can be a shirt that fits better for everyone.

Eco360 Trust ( produces recycled shirts with 5 major benefits to the environment, society and to companies promoting their green practices. Eco360 Trust is a campaign of the non-profit Institute for Sustainable Communication (, which advises communications professionals on sustainability issues. Eco360 Trust raises funds for ISC’s education program by producing customized performance apparel made from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles. All net proceeds pay for college scholarships for low income students.

Producing the e360t shirts started as a project to teach students about the sustainable use of print and digital media. ISC redesigned the shirts to be fully sustainable, and the results appealed to both students and corporations trying to establish or protect their green reputations.