Don’t Dismiss the Hyperloop Opportunity

On Monday, Elon Musk, the indomitable Silicon Valley entrepreneur, unveiled his plans for a Hyperloop transportation system. The idea is to build an elevated tube from LA to SF that will transport pods full of people and cars and cargo between the two cities at 800 mph. Simpsons geeks everywhere, from Ogdenville to North Haverbrook, erupted in a derisive chorus of “Monorail.” The solar-powered trip will take 30 minutes and cost $20 and that’s no joke. It will be cheaper, faster, safer and more environmentally friendly than any existing mode of transportation. What’s not to like”

To no one’s surprise, Musk’s plan garnered criticism, cynicism, and outright hatred from those who shroud themselves in pragmatism and an immutable love for incremental change. USA Today says “it won’t work”. TIME went way out on a limb and came up with “4 reasons why it could tank”.

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