ENN is a media sponsor of the Robert Bateman “Get to Know” contest. Now, the National Forest Foundation is offering Robert Bateman’s new print Family Hike to benefit More Kids in the Woods which provides grants to nonprofits that take kids beyond four walls and into their backyard – be it a county park, National Forest, or other wild place – an effort to ensure that today’s children know what it is to grow in the open air.
It’s summertime, which for many of us means that it’s time to lace up our boots and head for the hills. Or perhaps it’s time to roll out the tent, pack up the marshmallows, and re-acquaint ourselves with a favorite campsite. Unfortunately, too many children today don’t have the opportunity for these outdoor adventures. You’ve heard of Nature Deficit Disorder, Electronic Overload, and any number of other catchy phrases. Call it what you will, the message is the same: kids don’t spend enough time outdoors.