Brazil Deforestation Up 28%

After a significant drop in the last several years, the annual deforestation rates in Brazil raised 28% for the period August 2012-July 2013, according to INPE, the Brazilian Spatial Institute. The total area deforested in 2012-2013 is 5,843 km2 – a trend led by the states of Mato Grosso, Roraima, Maranhão, and Pará. The area cleared in Mato Grosso rose 52% from 757 km2 in 2012 to 1,149. The area cleared in Pará rose 37% from 1,741 km2 to 2,379 km. For Roraima deforestation increased 49% from 124 km2 to 185 km2. Maranhão registered 269 km2 cleared in 2012 and 382 km2 in 2013, an increase of 42%…

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