Focus on Carbon Sequestration

Carbon sequestration is a family of methods for capturing and permanently isolating gases that otherwise could contribute to global climate change. Affordable and environmentally safe sequestration approaches could offer a way to stabilize atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide.

Educational Resources

The U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) answers FAQs about carbon sequestration.

Demonstrating Carbon Sequestration – This Geotimes feature reports on two projects that have been burying 2 million metric tons per year of man-made carbon dioxide instead of sending it into the atmosphere.

Climate Status Investigations (CSI) – NETL has developed a 10-day interdisciplinary curriculum module for middle-level students on the topic of Global Climate Change. The curriculum explores the science of Global Climate Change, the primary sources of greenhouse gases, and potential solutions, such as sequestration, through hands-on inquiry.

Carbon Sinks and Sources – Through questioning and partnering, students gain an understanding of the complex system of carbon cycling that works to balance the levels of carbon in our atmosphere.

Climate Discovery Teacher’s Guide from NCAR This teacher’s guide was produced by the National Center for Atmospheric Research as a companion to the Climate Discovery exhibit at their Boulder, Colorado laboratory. View the unit on carbon cycles.

EPA’s FAQs – These FAQs address carbon sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry.

The Center for Carbon Management at Columbia University – is working to control atmospheric carbon dioxide and to prevent its disruptive effects on global climate.

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