Homeland Security To Waive Environmental Rules On Border Wall Projects
The Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday that it will use its authority to bypass environmental laws and other regulations to "ensure the expeditious construction of barriers and roads" near the U.S.-Mexico border south of San Diego."The sector remains an area of high illegal entry for which there is an immediate need to improve current infrastructure and…
Methane-eating bacteria in lake deep beneath Antarctic ice sheet may reduce greenhouse gas emissions
An interdisciplinary team of researchers funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) has concluded that bacteria in a lake 800 meters (2,600 feet) beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet may digest methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, preventing its release into the atmosphere.
Adorable alpine animal acclimates behavior to a changing climate
As climate change brings new pressures to bear on wildlife, species must “move, adapt, acclimate, or die.” Erik Beever and colleagues review the literature on acclimation through behavioral flexibility, identifying patterns in examples from invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and fishes, in the cover article for the August issue of the Ecological Society of America’s…
Fear May Play a Role in Animal Extinction, Study Reveals
Fear alone may be enough to cause vulnerable species to go extinct, according to a new University of Guelph study.Prof. Ryan Norris has discovered that the mere smell of a predator affects the reproductive success of fruit flies.
Grown-up gannets find favourite fishing grounds
Like humans, some birds can spend years learning and exploring before developing more settled habits.A study of northern gannets has shown adults return to the same patch of sea over and over again to find food.
Lakes Environmental Research Inc., Receives Landmark Patent
Lakes Environmental Research announced today the issuance of patent number 9,605,212 B2 by the US Patent Office that covers a revolutionary oil sands recovery process. The “Novel Ultra-Low Water Oil-Sands Recovery Process” (NUWORP) significantly reduces, with the potential to eliminate, three of the greatest barriers to wider adoption of oil sands production.
'Invasive' species have been around much longer than believed
The DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Palaeoscience funded researchers based in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies and in the Evolutionary Studies Institute of the University of the Witwatersrand have used fossil pollen records to solve an on-going debate regarding invasive plant species in eastern Lesotho.
More rain for the Red Sea if El Niño breezes in
The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been shown, for the first time, to play a role in increased rainfall and storms along the Red Sea and surrounding regions.
Climate change expected to increase premature deaths from air pollution
A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill estimates that future climate change, if left unaddressed, is expected to cause roughly 60,000 deaths globally in the year 2030 and 260,000 deaths in 2100 due to climate change’s effect on global air pollution.The study, to appear in the July 31 advance online…
Aardvarks' tragic fate points to worrying consequences for wildlife as a result of climate change
The aardvark, a highlight for anyone on a game-viewing African safari, will become increasingly rare as the world warms and dries, and the consequences go well beyond a decline in aardvark safari encounters.