Enviro News Wrap: Refining Climate Models; Tar Sands and Carbon Emissions; Slow Start for the Chevy Volt, and more
Models of climate change for the next 40 years are becoming increasingly scary over time, suggesting a 3C rise in global temperatures by 2050. We all know that the Alberta tar sands produces super dirty oil, now there is yet another negative impact that is being tracked. And yet Obama still wants to build the…
GM Investing in Car-Sharing
Corporate America is joining the access economy. You can already see signs of this trend with companies like Hertz, BMW, Ford and GM partnering with collaborative consumption companies, or even start a sharing service of their own. BMW, as we learned at SXSW has partnered ParkAtMyHouse.com, Ford partners with Zipcar, Hertz started its own car…
Cloud forests may be particularly vulnerable to climate change
Mexico could lose nearly 70 percent of its cloud forests due to climate change by 2080, according to new research published in Nature Climate Change, that has implications for cloud forests worldwide. “Given the narrow environmental tolerance of cloud forests, the fear is that human-induced climate change could constitute an even greater peril [than deforestation]…
Popcorn: A Healthy Snack Rich in Antioxidants
Popcorn is a timeless classic: a true gem within the snack food kingdom. It is fun to munch on and fun to make, especially the popcorn machines where each popped kernel gets spun around and shot into the bowl. Many people eat their popcorn covered with butter, salt, or sugar, which is not exactly healthy.…
Earth Warming Faster Than Expected
By 2050, global average temperature could be between 1.4°C and 3°C warmer than it was just a couple of decades ago, according to a new study that seeks to address the largest sources of uncertainty in current climate models. That’s substantially higher than estimates produced by other climate analyses, suggesting that Earth’s climate could warm…
Moon Origin
Over the years, there have been various hypotheses about the origin of the Moon. Historically, the major theories have been fission, capture, giant impact, and co-accretion. A chemical analysis of lunar rocks may force scientists to revise the leading theory for the Moon’s formation: that the satellite was born when a Mars-sized body smacked into…
London to ban old black cabs!
London’s taxi regulators are to withdraw 2,600 ageing black cabs in an attempt to reduce air pollution in the capital. No black cab over 15-years-old will be licensed by the Taxi and Private Hire Office – taking off the road 2,600 taxis this year. Now Mercedes-Benz has launched an initiative to help London cabbies keep…
Spotlight on: National Wildlife Week, US
National Wildlife Week is under way in the US this week and the theme is “Celebrating Extra-ordinary Wildlife”. Shining a spotlight on incredible species happens to be our specialty here at ARKive (although, we do think every species is special!) so we decided to comb through the collection to highlight some of the species on…
A Return to Supersonic Speed?
How fast is fast enough? There is an innate desire to cut travel time so as to enjoy or work harder once one gets where is going. In air flight that dream was the Concorde which was retired from use a few years back due to fuel economics as well as other reasons. For 27…
Coconut Power?
US researchers say agricultural waste from coconut and mango farming could generate significant amounts of off-grid electricity for rural communities in South and South-East Asia. Many food crops have a tough, inedible part which cannot be used to feed livestock or fertilise fields. Examples of this material — known as ‘endocarp’ — include coconut, almond…