Should Patients be Asleep or Awake During Brain Surgery?
Deep brain stimulation is a long-established surgical procedure that eases the effects of Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor through pulses from tiny electrodes implanted in the brain. Currently, most surgeons around the world conduct this surgery while the patient is awake.
Several Reasons Why Whole Grains are Healthy
When overweight adults exchange refined grain products – such as white bread and pasta – with whole grain varieties, they eat less, they lose weight and the amount of inflammation in their bodies decreases. These are some of the findings of a large Danish study headed by the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.…
Australian Tourism Policies Fail to Address Climate Change
Australia’s Federal and State governments are failing to produce effective long-term tourism policy to address climate change, according to the findings of new QUT-led research.
Firefighters absorb harmful chemicals through skin, study finds
Captain David Matschke is well aware of the dangers he faces on the job. A firefighter for 32 years, he is trained to race to the scene of house fires, car crashes and even industrial accidents, breaking through windows and doors to evacuate occupants and routinely putting himself in harm’s way. But beyond fire itself,…
New “atlas” reveals Earth's microscopic communities
The planet is home to a vast number of microscopic living organisms – plants, animals, and bacteria- found from deep sea volcanoes to the highest mountain peaks. These organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye affect both human health and the health of the world’s ecosystems. Despite their centrality to life on…
Birmingham And East African Partners Lead The Battle On Air Pollution: Urban Africa's Silent Killer
An alliance of African and British experts are studying the growth of cities in East Africa in a bid to understand how to save lives at risk from air pollution – one of the biggest killers in urban Africa.Led by the University of Birmingham, the international study looks at how rapid urbanisation in three African…
Stanford Researchers Seek Citizen Scientists to Contribute to Worldwide Mosquito Tracking
It’s a sound that can keep even the weariest among us from falling asleep: the high-pitched whine of a mosquito. This irritating buzz already makes us run, slap and slather on repellant. But if Stanford University researchers have their way, it may also prompt us to take out our cellphones and do a little science.
Air Pollution is Associated with Cancer Mortality Beyond Lung Cancer
Air pollution is classified as carcinogenic to humans given its association with lung cancer, but there is little evidence for its association with cancer at other body sites. In a new large-scale prospective study led by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by the ”la Caixa” Foundation, and the American Cancer…
Spooky Conservation: Saving Endangered Species Over Our Dead Bodies
The secret to the survival of critically endangered wildlife could lie beyond the grave, according to a University of Queensland researcher.
NASA Examines the Powerful U.S. Northeast Storm
The remnants of Tropical Storm Philippe had merged with another system and brought gusty winds and heavy rainfall to New England. The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core observatory satellite flew over the northeastern United States on Sunday, Oct 29, 2017 and gathered data on the powerful storm that was affecting the region.